After the funeral, certain family members are invited to the reading of the will. Amy and Dan are included. Everyone is anxious to find out what their inheritance will be. No one expects what happens. Everyone is given a choice - take one million dollars or give it up for a clue. A clue that will lead to a deep family secret. The one who follows all 39 clues and uncovers the secret will become the most powerful Cahill in the world.
Amy and Dan are 1 of 7 teams competing for the clues. The other teams may be made up of family members, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t dangerous. Everyone wants Amy and Dan out of the way. They think they have inside information since they were Grace’s favorites. The problem is, Amy and Dan know even less than everyone else. They were never told how much influence the Cahill family has had in the world throughout the years. Because of their lack of knowledge and kind natures, Amy and Dan’s lives are put in danger several times as they fly to Paris and search for Clue #2.